CRPS Injury Lawyers in San Jose

CRPS Injury Lawyers in San Jose

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) or as it is also called, Reflex Sympathetic Disorder (RSD), is a neurological syndrome typically affecting a limb after it has been subjected to trauma. CRPS is chronic and can progress to other areas of the body. Although the exact cause of CRPS is not known, it is believed to be caused by a malfunction of the peripheral and central nervous systems.

The peripheral nervous systemโ€™s function is to transmit messages to and from the bodyโ€™s limbs and organs to the central nervous system. The central nervous system is responsible for transmitting messages to and from the brain to the peripheral nervous system. Damage or malfunction of both the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system can result in severe side effects. CRPS can cause many symptoms, including:

  • Excessive, chronic pain
  • Changes in skin color, temperature, and texture
  • Swelling in the affected area or limb
  • Abnormal sweating pattern around injury site
  • Stiffness in affected area or joint
  • Poor coordination
  • Changes in hair and nail growth around affected area
  • Dystonia (limb is fixed in abnormal position)

RSD Injury Attorneys in San Jose

As mentioned above, the exact cause of RSD is not known, however, statistics reveal more than 90 percent of patients afflicted with RSD have a clear history of trauma or injury. Injuries closely associated with RSD include bone fracture injuries, burn injuries, lacerations, sprains, strains, and limb immobilization. RSD can also be triggered by a surgical or medical procedure. Medical experts have compared RSD to an allergy. Some people react excessively to trauma while others react mildly or not at all.

CRPS Injury Lawyer in San Jose

How is CRPS diagnosed? It can be difficult to diagnose CRPS because not one test or symptom can confirm the syndrome. Doctors will typically confirm a number of symptoms and evaluate a patientโ€™s medical history first before diagnosing CRPS. Testing can help doctorโ€™s eliminate other medical issues associated with the same symptoms.

How is CRPS treated? CRPS can be treated a number of ways, including:

  • Psychotherapy โ€“ CRPS is often linked to severe psychological symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Prescription medication โ€“ Many different classes of drugs have been effective in treating CRPS
  • Physical therapy โ€“ exercise can improve mobility, blood flow, and circulation
  • Surgery โ€“ surgery to destroy some of the affected nerves may help alleviate pain and other symptoms
  • Neural stimulation โ€“ implantation of stimulating electrodes along the spinal cord and/or other parts of the pain pathway

RSD Injury Attorneys in San Jose

After being diagnosed with RSD, you should not wait to consult a skilled CRPS injury lawyer or a workers compensation lawyer in San Jose Golden State Workers Compensation. Because little is known of the syndrome, it can be difficult to prove the syndrome is work-related. Insurance companies are skeptical of claims involving RSD and often deny or delay claims of this nature. Prevent your claim from being denied โ€“ retain the services of an experienced CRPS attorney or any head injury attorney San Joseback injury lawyer San Jose and carpal tunnel syndrome lawyers in San Jose in our group as soon as possible. They have extensive knowledge of the work comp system and have experience handling cases involving RSD.

The aggressive CRPS lawyers at San Jose Golden State Workers Compensation wonโ€™t rest until you get maximum benefits for the damages related to your syndrome. Contact our joint marketing program today at 408-850-6566. All of the knowledgeable RSD attorneys we work with offer free case reviews and work on a contingent basis. Simply put, you owe nothing until you get a successful outcome.